I was looking for a spare folder , when I came across an old one in the cupboard under the stairs .
At the back of it was an email I had been sent – it was in Italian and said ….
”Il modula per l’invio dei dati non conteiene la variabile HTTP_REFERER, e quindi non possibile verificare se proviene da un dominio in hosting presso Aruba.it”
I had obviously given it to someone to translate and they had written underneath……
”the form with the data doesn’t contain the HTTP REFERER (?) , it is therefore not possible to verify whether it comes from a domain hosted by Aruba It ?”
Then the translator , who I think was either Laura or Georgina or one of our students ,had added
”it’s all weird computer talk and so I’m not entirely sure if the translation makes any sense at all ”
and then further down the page
”( Rosie ate my REVELS!!)”