5.24am ,work up with a start , something was wrong , the house was quiet .Then the brain kicked in ,Florence’s cab was due in six minutes , but where was Florence ? …..Under her duvet , curled up and fast asleep .She was last seen at 5.31, running out the house ,stuffing things into her bag ,with a bright pink towelling turban on her head .I don’t think she was going to Krakow ,dressed as her alter-ego Camila Batmanghelidjh, just hadn’t had time for a shower ( does Ryan Air allow that ? ). She is going the cheapest way , via Helsinki .Don’t ask .
I’ve always flown Ryanair from Stansted .Going from helsinki seems a bit extreme.How much was the cab ???????????
You know what they say …check in in Standsted , land in Krakow, luggage in Hong Kong