Three lots of culture in as many days . On Thursday it was poetry reading at Uplands. The 7 of us had a drink from the bar , and then read various poems .Mine was ‘The Pobble who had no toes’. Grandmama can’t see to read , so recited an eight verse stanza about a tin soldier. We then discussed the poems . The discussion lasted around 3 seconds until we moved onto the merits of a portable oxygen cylinder . Then last night Richard and Sarah took us to see ‘Roald Dahl’s twisted tales’- all spooky stuff , but with no sign of a scantily clad woman gyrating behind a screen, to that iconic music ( Rosie’s friends , you’ll be too young to remember this ), although there was a close moment when Sarah too her coat off in the Thai restaurant afterwards.
Then tonight its Black Watch at The Barbican- I remember when the kids were little we used to feed the fish there.