Today I’ve done Glee, Billy Elliot, Pineapple ( definitely worth a look – especially Louis ) and booked J,J,F & I in for the 10K. Then tonight for supper I had leftover fishpie ( Jamie Oliver’s Luxury recipe – definitely the best ), peas and ketchup. IzzyP. does that meal ring any bells with you ?
One sat. night a couple of years ago , Rosie got in late from Waitrose . she was in a huffy puffy stressy mood as Izzy was calling for her in about an hour and she had to shower, dress, trash her room, blowdry her hair , pull everything out of the wardrobe etc. She said she didn’t have time to eat and so I took her up a tray , on it – a glass of water and a bowl of fishpie with peas and ketchup, and a fork. After much stomping and banging, I went up about half an hour later to collect the tray …..what a sight. Rosie had knocked the tray, plus contents all over her bedroom floor ,made no attempt to pick it up and proceeded to walk through it , drop false eyelashes and make up and bits of her Waitrose uniform in it and then get cross with me for giving it to her ! God I wish she was here to do that again now.
I haven’t watched Pineapple yet, but I always see Louis 1) sitting at the front desk with a snarl on his face 2) looking into studios bitching loudly about how fat everyone is or 3) with his legs around his ears when he thinks anyone’s looking….sound about right? He single-handedly destroys all the progress made in breaking down male dancer stereotypes.
Nowhere Boy to win at the BAFTAs tonight!
haha your desciption of rosie getting ready is amazing. I can just imagine it.. we would always put her in sucha stress when she’d finish late just before a night out, leaving her half an hour to get to northfields.. she always managed to look great though!!